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Old 03-02-2009, 02:02 AM
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Originally Posted by andy_kiwi View Post
Todd Motors also assembled Rootes Group / Chrysler cars ie Hillman Hunter, Hillman Avenger - which was the Plymouth Cricket in the states and a few others ..........
My Dad had both when we growing up. The Avenger wasn't a bad car - we had a bright yellow twin carb 1600 estate that pinned you in the seat if you could get traction. I guess it was one of those cars you hear about that left the factory with perfectly matched engine parts. My Dad's Hunter was a stocker, but I remember a friend from school buying one with a Holbay 1725 twin carb engine and having a lot of fun with it before he totaled it (the fate most of his cars met with, unfortunately). Andy_kiwi - you brought back a lot of memories with that post
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