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Old 03-08-2017, 08:40 AM
Loadrunner Loadrunner is offline
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Default Eleanor = Bullitt

How fortunate are you when you're looking for a suitable Mustang to build an Eleanor clone and the car you settle on turns out to be one of the two Mustangs used to film the movie Bullitt?

I knew a doctor a long time ago that collected Mustangs, this was before internet. Through Hemmings he found a Mustang across the country that he was negotiating on over the phone. The car was in very rough shape, not much more than a VIN wrapped in a rusted out shell of a body. The seller wanted A LOT of money for the car because it was a Shelby. They finally settled on $25K for a price. When the car arrived at the doctors house his wife, who was home to receive it, flipped out at the doctor. She couldn't believe he spent that much money on a car in that condition. When he finally got home to see it he was ecstatic. He admitted that he gambled a bit by buying the car but according to his research that VIN belonged to one of Carroll Shelby's race cars. My recollection is that it had a unique rear window and when he saw that it confirmed his hope.
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Old 03-18-2017, 04:36 PM
dakman1 dakman1 is offline
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I suppose if the cost of the restoration did not exceed the final value when done , he was a lucky man.
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