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Old 03-19-2017, 04:03 PM
Loadrunner Loadrunner is offline
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Default R.I.P. Pete

"Pete" was our 2001 PT Cruiser, it gained its name when we gave it to our daughter upon getting her license. We bought it used a little over a decade ago for my wife to use as her daily driver. It protected her in an accident when a person looking at her cell phone rear-ended Pete and punted it up onto the sidewalk. Around 2010 we gave it to our daughter in her junior year of high school, in addition to reliable transportation it became a storage locker for all her softball gear through the rest of high school and college. She also spent more than a few nights sleeping in it at college when she was too tired to make the 20 mile commute home after 5:00 AM softball practice, engineering classes, afternoon softball practice, then homework or studying until 1:00 AM. Our son drove it for a while after our daughter graduated; then lately it was the family back-up car for any time one of four daily drivers was in the shop. Today we drove it to Crazy Ray's auto salvage yard and sold it for $245; now it will be parted out and ultimately scrapped.

That car wasn't great at anything but it was good at everything, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.
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Old 03-21-2017, 10:42 PM
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nhdriver nhdriver is offline
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I had a 2003 I bought in '04. It was a real disappointment. It had the usual clunking going over bumps, It got poor mpg for a 4 cyl. car It went through front brake pads often then at about 60K the timing belt let go. I replaced it thankfully it didn't crash the valves and ran good w/ a new belt. At 70K the trans went.I had a rebuilt unit put in then, I sold it. Good riddance. The worst Chrysler vehicle I ever owned.
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