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Old 04-10-2002, 10:21 PM
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Default There's a ghost in my car!

I have a problem with my wife's 90 shadow. The thing revs up by itself! I'll be driving along and pull into a gas station and when I put it in park it will idle for a minute then rev up like some one is doing it on purpose. It does not do it all the time maby once or twice a week. It doesn't seem to make a difference if it is warmed up or cold becuase it some times does it in the morning or half way throgh a drive but only when Im idleing in park. I had the thing idleing in the driveway after changing the oil went in side for a minute and heard the thing rev up and down came outside to see who was screwing with me and the car was empty. I changed the o2 sensor on it. The car was originaly a 2.5 and I replaced it with a 2.2 . But that was a year ago and this is the first time I have this problem Also when the car warms up and is going down the road at highway speeds it smells like rotten eggs bad. Is this the cat? I pulled the codes out of it with the keyswitch and it said battery disconnect with in last some odd key ons, and a every thing is normal code. I cant remember if I had the battery disconnected lataly or not. This is a tbi system.
Any one know where this ghost is? Suggestions?
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Old 04-10-2002, 10:40 PM
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Common to see breaks in the wiring harness to the tps.

The harness starts to fail, between the tbi and the firewall, from the constant movement of the engine. It screws up the readings, because of the inconsistant connection, and may not set a code.

Wiggle the harness as a test, if no change, then my advice sucks.

Also check the main harness, by the controller by the battery, common for wires to erode from battery acid. You'll have to pull out the battery to see.
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Old 04-10-2002, 10:48 PM
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I'll give those a try tomorrow (wifes at work) Any thing else while Im working on it. This tbi system is all a mystery to me.(mostly)
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