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Old 08-07-2018, 10:53 PM
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Default P/T blues.

Why does this PT Cruiser sub titled The "New Pt Cruiser" this car came out when, 2001? I liked the "retro" styling of the P/T I bought one used a '03 in '04. What a mistake, this was the worst Chrysler vehicle I ever owned. It was slow so you had to keep your foot in it to get anywhere. The front suspension was awful always clunking, then the timing belt broke @ 60K miles. luckily it's not an interference engine so a new belt got it running again. One look under the hood convinced me to pay someone to do the job. A few thousand miles and pow the crappy transmission goes $ 600 later (I got a deal from a friend), I gave this car to my ex. She got into a fender bender the chassis flexed slightly & jammed the pulleys and the timing belt skipped a tooth or two . She junked the car w/80K on the odometer. Good riddance!

Last edited by nhdriver; 12-04-2020 at 11:12 AM.
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belt , car , miles , p/t , timing

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