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Old 09-21-2006, 03:24 AM
it's all dodge it's all dodge is offline
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Bad enough we have people stealing cars from hotel parking lots, and then people torching cars, or using a Coronet R/T for target practice, that's all messed up, that aint right! Some people have no respect!
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Old 09-21-2006, 09:58 AM
Chuzz Chuzz is offline
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Yo, Moparwitch, what state was it that your cars were found in? Also do you know the name of the guy who owns the museum and what other states he has them in? Reason I'm asking is that those of us who live in the other states could pay his museums a visit and maybe help Bilbo fine his car. Heck, maybe your Z is sitting in one of his other museums now. Give us all a head up, I'm sure everyone else would be just as willing to help you kick this guy's ass as I am.
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Old 09-21-2006, 12:05 PM
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If you or anyone else is fortunate to find the car, it would be in your best interest to let the police and the courts handle the case. Beating someone's ass can get you in hot water really fast and will give you a criminal record.

If the car was taken over a state line, it may be an issue for the FBI anyway.
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Old 09-22-2006, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Chuzz
Yo, Moparwitch, what state was it that your cars were found in? Also do you know the name of the guy who owns the museum and what other states he has them in? Reason I'm asking is that those of us who live in the other states could pay his museums a visit and maybe help Bilbo fine his car. Heck, maybe your Z is sitting in one of his other museums now. Give us all a head up, I'm sure everyone else would be just as willing to help you kick this guy's ass as I am.
The cars were found in Nevada. I never did get a straight answer on the person's name who has the auto museums. I did find out that he came out of this 'smelling like a rose' and no charges were ever filed against him, even though he had the two cars. I was told that he owned auto museums in Florida, Nevada, California and Michigan. The brochure that one of my friends picked up at the museum also stated that there were other musuems in these states.

I was planning on checking around at the Route 66 Festival and car show in Springfield, IL today. They have a big car show and there are tons of Mopars there every year. Most leave there to go to the Cruise In at Jacksonville, IL. I did not make it, as we had some straight line winds, hail and thunderstorms here. They had to cancel some of the evening's events for fear of tornadoes. I did not want to risk going and getting in the middle of a tornado. Springfield has been hit hard several times this year by tornadoes.

I keep a little card with VINS and other info on it, so when I see a suspect car, it is easier to check those numbers, etc.
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Old 03-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Dartin' Dartin' is offline
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Any word on your car yet? People like this should be hung.
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Old 08-10-2021, 10:22 PM
70Ted 70Ted is offline
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assuming was never found since he disappeared 14 yrs ago
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Old 10-03-2021, 07:12 PM
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What ever happened to Dick the "Super Mod" ? Not posted here in about 3 years ...

Last edited by RB; 10-03-2021 at 07:14 PM.
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