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Old 05-19-2009, 04:29 PM
73PWRWGN 73PWRWGN is offline
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Default 68 Belvedere Sat vs 944 Porsch

(I should probably set the mood of the car you'll all laugh I'm sure. 318 out of a 67 dodge truck ,727, 8 3/4, 2.73 gears, shaved j heads w/2.02 int, big cam and don't yell at me but 750 double pumper and msd ignition) When I was 23 or 24 I was driving to the freeway on ramp, still 1 mile away. when I saw a Red 944 coming up quick and tried to pass me on the shoulder basically acting like a docker wearing wanna be yuppie. So turning onto the on ramp there is two lanes that merge into one I hear this weird turbo sound and my brain clicks " It's the YUPPIE AGAIN!!" passing me on the on ramp. I think to myself "NO F*#@!IN way, I drop it to second and stuffit' he sat there for a minute next to me then.... later porsch.The look on his face was priceless I was watching him and he had a look on his face like"THIS IS A PORSCH AND IT HAS TO BE FAST" He caught up with me in the next town and asked me "WHAT DO YOU HAVE UNDER THE HOOD" I reply " A V8."

I am still wondering how this engine got so potent I never wanted to have that much or thought that it would perform so wel.l Its alot of fun for only paying $500 for all the parts and believe it or not still got it I'm 31 years old now and shes getting tired shes 41 but still gets out there and raises some browes.

Thanx for reading. I signed up yesterday after reading for years. I'm just waiting till I can help someone out the way this forum site has helped me.

LATER, Tony.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:31 PM
DeletedUsername DeletedUsername is offline
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That's a great story. Too funny! Now only if we had video of that!
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Old 06-21-2009, 06:22 AM
buckneccid buckneccid is offline
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I've had a couple of 944's, they're fun but they aren't killer cars. If I remember right the standard engine was like 195 horse and the turbo was only 225 or in that neighborhood. I kept that in mind and didn't do silly things like the Yuppie you ran into. I had my fun diving into corners at about 60 mph and watching people try to folow me, you don't know how many times I've seen someone spin out, or really slow down when their tires started screaming.
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