'90 Horizon
First a little bit about the horizon. It was pass down through atleast 5 teen aged boys 16-18 years old before I got it. I was 19 the motor had broke rings and spun a rod bearing. So 4 speedpro forged flat tops 0.040 over went into it. That little 5 speed flew. It was extremely fast off the line, but it was quick enough, and had the power to squak the tires into 3rd gear and get 40 mpg running 80mph.
I was going up I35 from minneapolis towards duluth when a Vette came screaming up on me. I figured what the heck I'll speed up and run behind him (who's gonna get the ticket here?). So I downshift to 4th and floor it and got behind him. The speedo hit 100 mph at 4200 rpm (still in 4th and speedo only goes to 100) and it kept cranking to 6200 rpm shift to 5th and pull up behind the Vette. He got around some traffic and it was back to 4th and winding again to 6200 rpm. He would get caught up in traffic and slow down and I'd be right there then he'd get an opening and pull away. We did this for about 10 miles. It was fun the guy must have thought what the hell as I could hang with him till about 135mph when I'd top out.
Another time in my '73 Dodge 3/4 ton it was late at night 2am or so comming back from alexandria, mn I was crusing along at 55mph with my girl friend when 2 cars went screaming by I looked at here and said "Can I catch them?" she said I dunno so hammer down. The speedo goes to 100 (about 5 o'clock position) we passed that and kept going as the needle neared the 0mph (7 o'clock position) mark we caught up with the 2 cars (firebird and cavalier) The look on the kids faces was priceless. After I passed them I let off and had flames comming out of the side pipes as I slowed. I dunno how fast we were going had to be around 130.
Now 10 years older and wiser I look back and it was very dangerous. I have no desire to drive that fast again. Although I wish I still had the horizon it was a very fun car to drive.