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Old 09-03-2009, 10:14 AM
CowboyTruckn CowboyTruckn is offline
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Default Back in high school.

I thought I made a new thread for this but I put it into somebody elses by mistake. Sorry. So here it is in a new thread.

One day back in high school I was a member of my school's marching band. Every year we got to do a car wash at various areas around the city for fundraising. This year my group held ours at a local Quik Trip. There were about ten of us already there a little early and had already washed a couple of cars. As the rest came we realized we would need to move all of our cars next door to the grocery stores parking lot to have room. A friend of mine left first in her Camaro and as she turned the corner her back wheels slipped and she fishtailed a little bit in the soap and water that was on the ground as well as I am sure we washed up a little oil from the ground. I left next and just wanting to be cool in my Firebird I floored it as I turned and went sliding and spinning and got completely sideways before I got it corrected and headed in the right direction. I parked and walked back and I noticed that this guy I hated was in a fast walk to his Dodge Dakota truck. My buddy and I was watching to see what he was going to do as we knew he was going to try and keep up with me. Sure enough when he turned the corner he got it sliding but instead of correcting it continued up over the curb and into the electric pole guide wire and totally messed up the front of his truck. My buddy and I was laughing so hard. Of course we composed ourselves before we went up and checked on him and asked what happened he said he hit the gas instead of the brake.

Even funnier was when his dad got there to tow his truck home and popped him upside his head.

My buddies and I still talk about that.
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Old 09-03-2009, 11:36 PM
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I deleted it.
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Old 09-06-2009, 08:20 PM
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I was a year out of high school, but the guy I bought my old black68 Roadrunner from was still in school. We knew each other from the band and he had the Roadrunner up for sale. It was a 383 4-speed and he couldn't even it to turn the tires with repop winter treads on the back. I said I just wanted a work car and got it for $400 dollars. I took it home, swapped out the stock distributor with loose bushings and stock weights with an Accell dual point, new plugs, oil and caught up the maintenance. The trunk was still rotten but it ran sharp! I went and looked him up and took him for a ride. I said, "does it sound better", He said, " a little, is it still a dog". We were cruising out of town so I stopped, hopped off the clutch and mashed it and broiled those winter treads while the rear end went from side to side each time I got a gear. He was white eyed, grabbing the dash and the door handle as it fishtailed. I asked him, "whaddya think, is it still a dog?"
He said, "uhhh. no, take me home, it runs good enough" I said, "this is just going to be my work car, my orange 70 has a 440, want to take a ride in that one?"
He declined.... One thing I miss from the 70s is all the used musclecars in the paper and backyards in the neighborhood....
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Old 09-07-2009, 08:44 AM
buckneccid buckneccid is offline
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A.J. Got us Stoga... remember his drive to remove all the junk cars from backyards, roadsides, creeks, etc? A lot of rides sure disappeared then.

but one good thing to come out of it, Round Up Magazine. We sure sold a lot of cars thru that before the internet.
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