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Old 11-14-2009, 07:51 PM
tubtar tubtar is offline
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Default Back to the 50's

This is a big deal up here in Minnesota....every June , we get street rods and muscle for a long week end of cruising and all the associated hijinx that go along with the hobby.
Thousands of them.
Most of the action is centered in St. Paul since the event is held at the state fairgrounds on my city's northern border.
I have been going for years and though more often as a spectator , I have still managed to show up with something for the crowd on a couple years.
That they limit the actual show to 0 to 1964 model years keeps me out of the fair grounds , but the action on the streets is open to whoever's car is running at the time.
University avenue used to be where it was at , and still is for the cruising aspect of the deal.
But there are people who are going to pull the trigger every year , and the where of these moments shifts with the police enforcement efforts.
Snelling avenue , north of the fairgrounds in neighboring Roseville is always a great place for " show and tell ".
There is a McDonalds about a mile north of the event , and Snelling is divided four lane with frontage roads.
It gets better.
There is a traffic light in front of Mickey D's and another a block north of that.
So we sit a block south of McD's and watch and wait.
The optimum situation is where south bound Snelling traffic is waiting for the light to have time to do a quick burn out and " stage " as traffic in front of you pulls away at the posted 45 m.p.h.
And you will have a clear 1/8th mile with no cross traffic and plenty of room to shut down.
I was on the road last summer and missed the whole shebang , but the year before was my crowning moment.
I was there with my better half and two friends.
One in a '65 327 / 350 h.p. Vette ......stick shift car and no garage queen.
A driver that gets driven.
The other friend has a '64 Impala with a blown small block............but he could not be talked into running it.
And my friend in the Vette was badgering him mercilessly to go.
I got sick of hearing it and before he got " You want to go " .......pointed in my direction .........out of his pie hole , I was headed for the car.
I have a '65 Dart G.T. with a nice 340 in it.
Hyd. stick in the 480 lift and 230 duration neighborhood , intake , carb headers automatic and 3.91 cog.........I am in the process of building way more power than I will ever use for it , but I did all the right things to the suspension shortly after I got the car , so it will hook on dirt.
We got out on the ave. and heated up the tires.
We lined up and one of the spectators was starting cars off of a flashlight.
At the bulb , I heard him spinning hard , but never saw him.
Until we parked.
It was a blast for me.........I hadn't done this kind of thing in a few years , and it was one of those passes where I wish I was on a track just to see the incrementals.
We park to a greatly appreciative crowd.
I am thinking that getting applause could be sure felt good to me.
One fellow comes over to us as we were walking back to our lawn chairs and tells my friend that he knows where he can get a good deal on new doors for his Vette.
The clear implication being that he just had them blown off.
When I get the new bullet built , I want to be able to show daylight under the skinnys for the crowd.
Just a little bit.
I know right now that none of my friends will want to line up next to I will just have to amuse myself.
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Old 11-15-2009, 01:59 PM
Skwerly Skwerly is offline
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Sweet story! I love these kinds of things. Sounds like a blast, brother!
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Old 11-20-2009, 07:13 PM
peg leg peg leg is offline
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Default Impressed

With your triumph!
I, having been hatched in MPLS, find it hard to believe you have so many nice cars in action in such a dismal climate.
Those 340's really are capable of impressive times. Watched Pass Time two nights ago, and a 340 ran 11.02, unblown, no gas.
Keep,it up!
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