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Old 02-14-2010, 01:32 PM
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Default in my challenger

the other night i was driving down beach blvd in my 09 challenger,a guy in one of those nissan ricerides pulls up next to me, messin with me, so i go for it, bout time i get up to about to good speed apparently theres and unmarked cop car in front of me traveling the same direction, and he turns on his blue lights, man i got nervous so i turned off quickly before he could slow down and get behind me, and get my tag, or pull me over....
last night i was on same road, and i see a vette up ahead, i'm like oh yeah, ima probably get beat but at least i have fun, well i pull up next to him about 50mph, and jump on it, and i stayed a fender ahead of him up to about 105, and a dang car pulled out in front of me so i had to slow down, and get behind him, then i just started cruising again, and just pulled up next to him, and this time he just floors it, so i floor it, and hes ahead of me by a fender, and then i don't know if he slacked off of it or what but i just blew past him... i gotta give this guy with the vette some props at least he's driving this car like it's meant to be driven and not one of them guys you see on the interstate driving 60 in a vette, that is ridiculous....
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Old 02-14-2010, 05:44 PM
Rich Kinsley Rich Kinsley is offline
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In my 'old age' I've settled down alot and instead I hit up the drags alot. Anyway back in '63 when I had a really nice '59 Ply sport Fury, 318 power pak poly, I was a student at Long Beach State college in CA.. The traffic was horrible everyday coming home and I discovered a short cut but it had a drawback. If I missed the light on Beach Blvd by the Hiway 39 drive-in I had to wait for it to turn as there were 3 lanes of traffic and no way to turn into it.

I approached the light one afternoon and it turned red right as I got there so I hit 1 on the PB's and went smoking the tires around the corner heading south on Beach Blvd.. I looked to my right and saw a police car with two officers holding ice cream cones. They threw them in the air and headed to their car. I said the appropriate 'OH S***" and blew down the street until I hit some side streets and got home asap and in the garage. I avoided that corner again for 3 months! Shame on me.
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Old 02-15-2010, 12:45 AM
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lol, my dad has some good stories about running from the po-po back in the day, like how they would be dragracing out on some back road and the cops show up, sometimes we will be out somewhere, and he will tell me stuff likie thats them traintracks i jumped that night, or thats the field i ran through in my roadrunner, or that's the house i hid behind, can't do that much anymore nowadays, they got motorola, and alot more units on their side now..
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Old 02-15-2010, 12:59 AM
Rich Kinsley Rich Kinsley is offline
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Yup and it's alot of fun at the track and you get a paper to prove how you did.
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Old 02-15-2010, 10:22 PM
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yep, it is fun at the track, but when you're driving down the road and somebody pulls up next to you, can't help but wanna give it to it... i thought this was the street warrior section??
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Old 02-16-2010, 09:03 PM
Rich Kinsley Rich Kinsley is offline
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Sorry. I'm not perfect. I do digress at times too I must admit.
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Old 02-26-2010, 12:05 PM
425olds 425olds is offline
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Default Mopar Vs Olds No Contest

Hi guys , well my user name is 425olds ,but i,am a mopar man from way back when the 426 hemi was king.The olds and the mopar engines last the longest. I became a mopar man in 1969 when i was working at the veterans hospital on chicago,s west side . My boss had a brand new 428 cobra jet mustang & we thought that was the fastest thing on wheels.One day we went for lunch & we ran across this old plymouth , that sounded pretty good , but looked cheap with those taxi-cab hub caps . So joe tells me to watch this. And we take off south on ogden ave, leaving that plymouth. But he catches us ,like we are in yugo. Had small emblem on front fenders that spelled hemi.That was the day i became a mopar man. I saw a ad in the paper ,Mr Norms Grand -Spaulding Dodge,was selling hemi cudas-dart,s
and i wanted one badly .But i was only about 14 and had a summer job at the v.a. Later when i turned 17 i wanted this plum crazy 440-6 pack GTX 4 speed.That car was beautiful. But the insurance was very expensive. so i bought a very good oldsmobile. Very strong engine ,took a lot of abuse. My buddy Oscar had a 1 969 440 r/t charger 4-speed .4:10 gears very fast car. I was working at Bills Texaco on Laramie & Lexington and the sec.of state was about 1 block from there.Bill had a contract with the state to change oil & tune up the state troopers cars. Those polaras had the 440 super commando engines and a certified 140 mph speedo in it .I did a few burn-out in those dodges.Well Bill was a die-hard chevy man and a verg good guy & mechanic. I would get those guy,s dander up talking about who won at the track[mopars] pro-stock .We would go to union grove race track ,and get side bet,s on the races .We would clean up , mopars won most of the time . The chevys would run ,but they would blow-up quite often.Those guys [sox & martin ,don carlton ,] won a heck of a lot of races for me.I love the old & new hemi too!! I think the old hemi is stronger that the new one,but thats due to gov regulations.Well this is my first post here.The buick guys [455 g.s] dream that they can slaughter the mopars. Buick,s run but their bottom end is weak.And i get a kick out or Dudeck,s ROADRUNNER beating up on the buick & with slick,s the corvette too!Long live the mighty mopars.
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Old 03-13-2010, 12:44 AM
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this morning i was crusing down the slab, about 80mph, when i came up one one of those red slowvettes doing about 60, i stepped on it, and blew past him, slacked off it, messed with him a little but he didn't wanna go for it, i mean COME ON!!!! what good is it to buy a car with 600hp if you aint gonna use it??
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Old 12-01-2010, 09:30 PM
425olds 425olds is offline
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Default v-8 Buick where hemis never win?

What a title. I know all the hemi driver,s are scared ,out of their wits. Except Dave Dudeck,ha,ha,ha. bye, byeV-8 BUICK
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