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Old 04-13-2011, 03:05 AM
douglas340 douglas340 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Queensland Australia
Posts: 21
Default Aussie Police Chase

My sister’s husband gentleman Jim purchased a brand new Aussie E37 265ci charger in late 1971 the first R/T in town. He ordered it with a blue print motor (factory) silver paint with half vinyl roof and all the striping, It was a very unusual E37 R/T. We were living in a town called Warrnambool (Vic) at the time. He worked about 20ks out of town and he flogged that charger all the way. The police purchased two new XA ford 351 GT interceptors in 1973 to stop the hooning and I think Jim was on top of the list because one week after they got them one was waiting for him on the highway and the chase was on. big bad Tommy Acason the policeman driving the GT that day quoted in the local paper! If you think you can out run us now think again. Well did he eat his words. Jim was hammering the R/T down the highway sitting on 100 mph when the yellow GT interceptor came from nowhere. Jim being the madman floored it and so did Tommy. Jim put a 292 diff in the R/T and higher profile tires he could wined it of the clock. He estimated it would do 140 to 150 mph but poor old Tommy didn’t know that. Jim punished the GT that day. He hand made a big fuel tank(36 gallons) for the boot, When he needed to use it he had to open the boot and turn it on. The day of the chase Jim was low on the go gas but the big fuel tank was full. Jim had the R/T flat-out for about 40 miles and then ran out fuel. He rolled the R/T in behind an old farmhouse got out flicked on the big tank and waited. 2 min later the GT screamed past. Jim got back in and drove back to work. Later that day he was paged to the front office and standing there was big bad Tommy and his mates. Jim got handcuffed and taken out side. They walked up to the charger and opened the bonnet. Tommy was speechless a 6 cylinder flogging his new v8 GT Jim looked at Tommy and smiled. Jim got the book thrown at him 5 years lose of license $2000 fine. He sold the R/T after that 18 months later it got burnt from the fire wall to boot a fuel leak. He brought it back and made it into a saloon car and raced it for 3 years. It got t/boned on the track and died. To this day he still has the motor out of it.
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