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Old 08-05-2002, 08:14 PM
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Biggrin Hemi Coronet 4 door (orig.)

That's right. I owned it back in '77-'82! We surprised all the locals and a straglers with that car. The only give-away was the SS hoodscoop and the oil pan hangin' low, with the headers. One particular story stands out. We had the Coronet loaded up with five of us and had just cruised onto the local strip around dusk. I think it was a big block Cammio pulled up along side gearin' down to low to race the engine. The 2 guys in it were pointing over at, I assume, the hood scoop, and almost beside themselves with laughter, flogged the camaro and squirted away. Well, the look of shock, when 5 guys in a brown 4-door blasted by them, and we all know what the elephant sounds like with both carters standing on end! That cammio followed us around for 1/2 an hour trying to find out what had blown them away so badly.
Old 08-09-2002, 04:06 PM
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here is the picture

Old 08-14-2002, 07:00 PM
Maxwedge Maxwedge is offline
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Asome car..did you put the SS hood on it?
Old 08-14-2002, 07:45 PM
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Gripe 4-door Hemi

It was on when I bought the car. I was the forth owner.
Old 08-15-2002, 11:12 AM
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That is too cool!
Old 08-15-2002, 11:53 AM
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so what is the story behind the cars purchase?
Old 08-15-2002, 03:33 PM
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Gripe why 4-door hemi car

Ok, here's the poop. When I bought the car from the 3rd owner we were establishing a pretty good friendship. He had followed up on the history when he bought the car from the second oner and found out that the car was originally ordered by a mid-50's gent, a veternarian, who wanted a mid-sized Dodge, with four doors, and the most powerful engine that Chrysler had at that time. It came through with the elephant. After about 3 years the son used it at the drag strip to which I can attest to because of the NHRA class sticker in the back window. The car was later sold to who-ever Joe at 78,000 miles with it's first spun bearing. Later, when the car was sold for the third time, another chapter in the car's chapter developed. After I bought the car (#4 owner) I became aquainted with the local drag racer in our town. Apparently, as he told me, he had tried to buy this same car years ago, but my buddy beat him to the punch. Good thing too because according to him, he intended to shoehorn the elephant into his camaro and toss the remains. Close call! Len
Old 08-20-2002, 12:27 AM
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Default Where is it now?

have you kept track of it??
Old 08-20-2002, 03:45 PM
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cry2 Wild one_Robertson

I later sold it to some Hydro engineer who quickly screwed it up by letting 3 different people work on it. After about 2 years it was sold to someone from near Toronto. This guy figured there might be a quick buck to be made and doubled his buying price, 7 times what I had bought it for, but was unable to sell it, so he sold it for what he sold it for. I was told by one p of his few friends that the car went south to the States. Which one, I don't know. I miss that car most of all the cars I've owned and would have been the easiest to put back to original. Too bad.
Old 08-21-2002, 08:51 PM
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I can't be sure, but I saw a car today that looked damn similar. The hood scoop really caught my eye and then I remembered this thread.

Tecumseh, Michigan M-50 heading west out of town.
Old 08-22-2002, 06:33 PM
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Gripe Sleeper

Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Old 09-03-2002, 08:13 PM
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A HEMI Coronet 4-door!! Man I remember reading a story on one of those that Don Garlits came across a while back. Apparently the FBI had ordered 4 white Hemi 67 Coronets for doing their deeds for this great country. Anyway, the guys who drove em apparently were unaware of the power that was sitting in front of em because they gave the cars back to Dodge and exchanged them for 440 motors. Not that the 440 was a slouch, but because it was more reliable in traffic and of course gas mileage. 1 car is currently in Big Daddy's museum and the other 3, whereabouts unknown!!

Old 09-06-2002, 04:19 PM
beepbeepsrule beepbeepsrule is offline
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There were at least 2 well documented 4door Hemi Coronets built for individuals in 1966. Here is an excerpt from a post I made in another topic about them:

"I had a chance to pick up one of those 1966 4door Hemi Coronets. There were 2 1966 4door Hemi Coronets here in Wichita. One (the red one) had been here all its life; the other (white) migrated in later on and was purchased from the owner's estate by an acquaintance of mine. The red one was ordered by Pappy Cline (legendary local-area tuner) new back in 1965/66 and after he died it just sat. One of my brother's friends was the widow's step-grandson and wanted her to keep it for him so he kept telling everybody that it wasn't for sale, so big-dummy me honored that. We were going to help him get it going and keep it going because she lived literally around the corner from us. Someone had stolen it and hurt the Hemi real bad but EVERYTHING was there, just in pieces. About that time the "MuscleCars" magazine ran an article about a couple of rumored-to-exist 4 door Hemi cars but had run into dead-ends trying to locate them. This was back in 1987 or so. I contacted them and let them know they were both here. They called me back and asked if I could document them and if they were real then they would send Tony DeFeo out to do a spread on them. The owner of the white one is a very knowledgeable MoPar man, so I called him up and he was ready to help. We got a photographer and put together so much documentation about both cars that they ran the article from what we had sent them. It was in the very first edition of the MoPar Muscle. Anyway, it turns out that the widow (owner of the red one) had been trying to unload the thing and my brother's friend kept foiling her. Had I been more predatory I could have picked up the red one pretty cheap (3-5k) BEFORE the article. AFTER the article she was approached and sold it in pieces for 12k. The white one sold also for a little more than that around that time. I think they both ended up in the Garlits museum for a while, maybe still. Oh well, it was still fun to have been able to contribute to the magazine article even if I missed out on a deal like that red car, and my conscience is clean (about that anyway!)."

The red one owned by Pappy Cline would show up at the drags with slicks and him driving. It ran 13.10's at 111 mph with 3.23 cogs!
Old 04-02-2007, 09:48 PM
hemi4door hemi4door is offline
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Default Coronet Hemi 4 door Forum of 2002


I was doing a search on Google and ran into this forum discussion from 2002 regarding 1966 Dodge Coronet 4 door hemi cars.

I am the current owner of both the Bronze Canadian car and the Red Kansas "Floyd Cline" car.

I should be able to answer most questions you might have about the factory's only 5 ever built, fortunately all still alive and well today.

In fact, here is an email I sent to many of my personal friends yesterday and today:

Hello Friend,

One of my 4-door hemi cars went over the auction block at the Barrett-Jackson's 2007 Scottsdale Event. In the body of this email I have included a link directly to a video clip of the car as it appeared LIVE on SPEEDTV, January 21, 2007. The car was also LIVE on SPEEDTV while it was driven onto the block by my dear friend Rick, with the original dealership salesman of the car from 1966 (Hub Rainbolt) in the front passenger's seat, and Mary (my perfect love) in the rear seat. Those moments of the car first arriving on the block are not included on the video clip link below, yet may be seen on the full length broadcasts of the Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale 2007 Auction periodically run on SPEEDTV. If you want to see it all, check your SPEEDTV program listings for the dates and times of those broadcasts, or look for the complete set of LIVE video on DVD coming out for sale soon. If you should so desire, you may send me a short note requesting that I let you know when the DVD is available, and I will get a set for you.

By the way. The Barrett-Jackson company requires that all cars entered in their auctions go up for sale with no minimum reserve selling price placed on the cars by sellers. Therefore the highest bidder gets the car. If a car bids up to an amount below that desired by a seller, and if the seller does not want to let the car go for that bid, the seller must place a higher bid to keep his car. The highest bidder becomes the original seller, and that seller, now the highest bidder/buyer, must pay both the seller and buyer commissions to Barrett-Jackson. In 2007, that commission equals 20% of the highest bid. In the case of my car in the video clip, I made a deal with the $600,000 bidder to get my car back from him. I arranged to have Barrett-Jackson commissions paid and allowed for another significant sum of money to get into that bidders hands as well. In other words, I still own the car.

Enjoy the clip, and let me know what you think.

Moparchat will not let me put a link in this message because I do not meet the criteria of having already submitted 25 or more posts. But you can go to SPEEDTV and look for SPEED Video, then get to the AUTOMOTIVE section, then BARRETT JACKSON. Look for a blurb next to the tiny screens "Barrett-Jackson. ’66...This 66 Coronet will haul more than the family. It is a four door HEMI and rare. 1 of 4 known to exist."


William DiGilio
Old 04-03-2007, 02:41 AM
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Cool! If you want to know about the 4 door Hemis, here's the guy to ask!
Welcome to Moparchat, William...errr, hemi4door!
Old 01-26-2008, 11:04 AM
jnmonty jnmonty is offline
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1966 426 Hemi Coronet Sedan Bronze Canada Car
My Dad owned this car from 1970-74...He did alot of work on the car,he rebuilt the motor,put in a different cam,had the whole car repainted. He also drag raced this car at Cayuga in the 70's-very fast car! He has alot of information and history on this car including pictures and the original line ticket-build sheet. If anyone has any contact information on William DiGilio the current owner of the car could you please help me out-send me a message or contact me.

Thanks John Montgomery
Old 01-26-2008, 11:51 AM
BillyBob BillyBob is offline
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If you would like to find out more about this automobile, feel free to contact William by email at
Old 01-26-2008, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by jnmonty View Post
1966 426 Hemi Coronet Sedan Bronze Canada Car
My Dad owned this car from 1970-74...He did alot of work on the car,he rebuilt the motor,put in a different cam,had the whole car repainted. He also drag raced this car at Cayuga in the 70's-very fast car! He has alot of information and history on this car including pictures and the original line ticket-build sheet. If anyone has any contact information on William DiGilio the current owner of the car could you please help me out-send me a message or contact me.

Thanks John Montgomery
John. I bought this car from the owner after you. Harold Davey. He owned 5 hemi cars at that time. A nice guy, who, unfortunately, passed on before his time. A real hemi-nut. And I can varifiy that you raced at Cayuga. The sticker was still on the rear dr. side window. I had a lot of adventures in that car too.
Old 09-12-2011, 01:13 PM
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My father John Montgomery put the SS hood scoop on it back in the early 1970's..also did a modification on the rear suspension with an airbag set-up..helped at the drag strip to make the car hook-up and prevent wheel hop
Old 09-12-2011, 05:16 PM
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