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Old 03-26-2011, 10:51 AM
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This was fun reading this old post, can' believe I've been posting on Moparchat for 8 years now. Although this is a very old post I'm glad they can still be accessed.
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Old 03-26-2011, 11:05 AM
NewJersey427Nova NewJersey427Nova is offline
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Thanks NHdriver! Hey Jason why do you think XTERMINATOR can help you with your car? Do you think your car is originally from NJ that you have on Ebay now? Glad to see ya joined buddy! I just sent you a PM with lots of info I never shared to you on my Fredy Calas Black Motion 427 L88 4 speed Nova. Please keep that info to yourself,Thanks! Dan Palchanes
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Old 03-26-2011, 12:03 PM
Jason68L78 Jason68L78 is offline
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Maybe he might remeber my car? Its a long shot but sounds like he did a lot of street racing back then.

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Old 03-26-2011, 04:43 PM
NewJersey427Nova NewJersey427Nova is offline
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Jason,I'm 54 and learned a lot thru all these years.I use to street race with my first car in 1974 I bought from a guy in South Plainfield NJ.Car was a Lemans Blue STD Black 1969 Camaro SS 396 4 speed with Huge N50x15 Goodyears,15x10 Ansen Sprints with Fentons in front. Car really had a L72 427/425 not the 396 and not the 12 to 1 427 L88. Anyway we stayed local and maybe cruise as far as 30 miles away from Bridgewater NJ where I lived.One of the cars I raced back then was a Hemi Orange 1970 440 6 Pak RT Challenger 4 speed owned by Jay Manno.Anyway I know you always mentioned the history that you have shows it was UPstate NY (Syracuse ?) car its whole life.I think you need to look up by you more and research that area to find your prior owners and History of your car.You know I've always offered to help you and I've done this for others too.I'm a research hound and know lots of people. If ? your car was street raced like you say stay whithin 30 miles of your earliest owner history location to start. You can always call me like you have for info and tips.I'm really impressed by the younger guys like you that got involved in these old musclecars that guys like me enjoyed and still do back in my teenage years.I was like a kid in a candy store back in the 1970's with access to any car I wanted! I still remember going to Linden NJ off ST George Av in 1975 and possibly buying a White with Black interior 1970 HEMI CUDA 426 4 speed with Dana 60 and pistol grip shifter.Could of had this bad boy for $2200.00!! Yeah those were the days.Any way Jason keep researching your car and someday you might find the answer on your cars history.Dan
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Old 03-26-2011, 10:28 PM
Jason68L78 Jason68L78 is offline
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Dan I have traced owners back to 1978 on my 68 SS L78 "396 375hp" Nova and it was last in Pleasant Valley NY at that time. Then it went to Highland NY. I have talked to a bunch of old timers about the car but they don't remember it.. I did get one lead that a guy said he remembers street racing a car like mine in Poughkeepsie NY? I guess street racing was real popular in this town. I asked the guy if he new his name and he didn't. But he did say he only seen the car this one time? So I am not sure if it was from this area? One old timer told me they used to race all over. Various drag strips on the weekends and street racing during the week. I have the car all over the Dover dragway forum but know one remembers the car. I will keep looking you just never know i Guess.

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Old 06-23-2011, 11:26 PM
NewJersey427Nova NewJersey427Nova is offline
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Hi,Just bringing up this post again.I sent a person over to see this post that I found. Dan
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Old 08-19-2011, 11:36 PM
68 roadbird 68 roadbird is offline
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Originally Posted by Xterminator View Post
Hey, anybody out there ever come up against one of those Baldwin Motion Chevy Nova SS? There was a guy back east who had one and supposedly it was guaranteed to turn 11.5 with street tires and closed pipes. I never could get him to race though. He was just content to park it and stand outside of it talking the talk, but never actually walking the walk.
Your probably lucky he didn't take you up on a race. I don't know what you were driving,most likely you would have gotten your doors blown off. 11:50 on street tires,pretty optimistic,but if he could drive the car,thats another story. I'm the proud owner of a 68 Hemi Road Runner,and never went down to defeat on the street...But came damn close to one of those COPO cars.
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Old 09-04-2011, 11:13 AM
hemimike hemimike is offline
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Mike with the 69 Hemi RR & 62 Plymouth Fury OVERDOSE from Flemington.
Just registered and glad to be aboard.

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Old 11-21-2011, 10:37 AM
NewJersey427Nova NewJersey427Nova is offline
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Hey Mike,Glad to see you joined.I still got the picture of the OVERDOSE car you gave me sitting at Herbie Whites Sunoco where my Triple Black 427 L88 Nova use to taken care .Mike you remember Chico owner of Sherwin Welding on Broad Street in Elizabeth? Found a guy from back in the day that has pictures of my Motion Nova!! Hey someday I want to see that awesome Black on Black Hemi car your the original owner of.Please let know when I can come by to see this awesome time capsule! Dan Palchanes 215-536-7730
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Old 04-01-2012, 03:29 AM
NewJersey427Nova NewJersey427Nova is offline
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Do any of you Guys from Elizabeth NJ from back then that street race remember Herbie White,Whites Sunoco in Elizabeth NJ.
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